Some people out there don’t blog for the simple reason that they won’t be able to find ideas for their posts. Truth is, if you keep yourself aware at all times, you will find that ideas for posts are everywhere. One of the best such cases was my idea for A Chocolate what at the North Pole?
When I was allowed passed the land mines that protect the chocolate box, I took it out in order to give me time to choose.
A dear sibling of mine, whom I shall call The Shmoozer, was standing behind me as I sifted through the chocolate box. She was quite surprised when I picked something up, put it down, picked it back up again, and read the label carefully. I then lifted up my finger triumphantly, (almost piercing The Shmoozer’s nose) and yelled out “blog post!” I then ran upstairs and wrote down the words:
inspiration for bloggers is everywhere (tell how got the ideas for penguin) (“even in the chocolate box?”?)
I wrote my ideas on a piece of paper marked “SLiM Blogger Ideas #3” in my folder called “SLiM Blogger Ideas”.
The lessons to learn from this: If you are organized, jot down your ideas when you get them (if I’m away from home, I write an idea down on a piece of scrap paper and transfer them later), and keep your eyes open, you’ll find blogging is the easiest thing since sliced bread.
Sorry, wrong comparison.
A New, New Day Dawning
8 years ago
Much like seeing the hand of Hashem in all the things around us everyday. You just have to open your eyes to see all of it.